Tree of Life Missionary Baptist Church
Our History
Tree of Life Missionary Baptist Church
Our History
The Tree of Life Missionary Baptist Church began as a Mission in the home of Rev. and Mrs. Billy J. Ray, on December 20, 1964 with thirteen members. The Mission founded the current church location which consisted of a store front, and a vacant lot. Tree of Life was organized January 12, 1965 and Rev. Billy J. Ray was called as the Pastor.
Additional lots were purchased in the years of 1966 to 1973. Ground-breaking services were held on August 11, 1968. The church had an increase in members and the development of numerous programs as a result of the vision of Pastor Ray. In June 1970, the church expanded from the store front to the portion of the building that includes the main Sanctuary. The expansion was built by Pastor Ray and church members. The cornerstone was laid March 12, 1972. Because of the growth of the educational department, there were plans to add more classrooms and offices. The ground-breaking for the additional classrooms and offices took place on December 6, 1981.
PASTORS (1965 – Present)
Rev. Billy J. Ray led the church from the organizing until he passed away on June 3, 1983. He led with a vision for the future and a determination to reach the unreached through the Word of God.
Rev. William David Lowe, Jr., accepted the call as Pastor on January 14, 1985. Pastor Lowe was an active member of the church. Under his leadership, the building that Pastor Ray had envisioned was completed. Pastor Lowe organized the membership, furthered The Voices of Watts community choir, and preached faith. Pastor Lowe served for 29 years and retired on August 1, 2013.
Rev. Marcus Alexander Murchinson accepted the call as Pastor on May 19, 2014. Under the leadership of Pastor Murchinson, the church has gained new members. Not only is Pastor Murchinson working to feed the needs of the members within the church, he is working to feed the needs of the community outside of the church.